10 Harmful Beliefs About Dissociative Identity Disorder

One of the reasons we wanted to start writing about Dissociative Identity Disorder after we received our diagnosis is the massive amount of misinformation out there. Having this diagnosis is highly stigmatized and many doctors and even mental health professionals still perpetuate these harmful beliefs about dissociative identity disorder. 

9 Things That Blocked My Access to Medical Treatment

This is a new version of an article that was originally published as “26,” about the early attempts to diagnose the cause of my chronic pain and other symptoms, and the many ways my access to medical treatment was blocked for years prior.

Interview for Secular Sexuality: Sex and Disability

Remember my interview about sex and disability last month on the podcast Into Your Body? I did another interview on the same topic! CN: brief discussion of sexuality, sexism influenced medical neglect, reproductive disorders, and disability. Story time: Before that podcast was recorded, Vi La Bianca, a previous guest blogger for Yopp, invited me to come onto her youtube show Secular Sexuality to discuss sex and disability. To be honest, I felt nervous about interviewing …Read More

It Can’t Be That Bad: How the Medical System Let Me Fall Through the Cracks

As more and more stories of medical neglect as a result of marginalization are brought to light, I hope that we can collectively reduce that disconnect and bring understanding and accommodation of marginalized backgrounds into our medical system, rather than using the medical system to further enforce their oppression. Maya Strong’s guest post today is one of those stories.

What Is Afforded to You

This post provides a break-down of the amazing article “Sick Woman Theory” by Johanna Hedva, which demonstrates how many aspects of social justice and the structure of society and even just human existence are interconnected: Disability, chronic illness, police brutality, racism, sexism, the medical system, the mental health industry, intergenerational trauma, socio-political theory, the medical and social models of disability, spoon theory, capitalism, and self-love.

How to Lend a Hand in a Mental Health Crisis Part 1: Enlisting the Help of a Crisis Hotline

Today’s guest post is part 1 of a series that looks at the gaps in our current mental health care system and provides information on how to fill those gaps on an individual basis if you should find yourself facing a mental health crisis in yourself or someone you care about.

I Can’t Fix Myself But I’m Supposed To

Sunflower Punk’s guest article covers her life-long struggle with chronic pain, living 6 years with an untreated broken ankle, doctors blaming her health problems on her weight, inaccessible housing, and juggling all of those while also raising a kid as a single mom. It’s worth a read as is her follow up post today.