Podcast Interview on Sex and Disability

A few weeks ago I got together with my friend DJ and we had a conversation about sex & disability for his podcast Into Your Body. Dj’s podcast explores some progressive takes on sexuality and your relationship with your body, particularly exploring how these topics intersect with particular marginalizations.

Announcement: Call for Submissions!

Want to have your writing published on this blog? Yopp! Is now accepting pitches and submissions for publication! You may have noticed that my publication rate has decreased somewhat in the last six months, which is due to a combination of physical and mental health issues. Writing has been disproportionately affected by these issues and it’s clear I need to take a break from forcing myself to make that happen so that I can be …Read More

Everyone’s A Little Bit Racist, and Sexist, and…

If you were to make an off-color comment to me and defend yourself by saying that you don’t have a racist/sexist/classist bone in your body, or that you are “colorblind” your response would give me an important piece of information about you. Because as the song goes, everyone’s a little bit racist.