Please enjoy this article, originally published under the title “Color” in March of 2017, about the early days of my chronic pain journey and my experience with the medication Gabapentin.
Tag: invisible illness
9 Things That Blocked My Access to Medical Treatment
This is a new version of an article that was originally published as “26,” about the early attempts to diagnose the cause of my chronic pain and other symptoms, and the many ways my access to medical treatment was blocked for years prior.
What Does Dissociation Feel Like?
How did I spend ten years of receiving treatment from eight different therapists, as well as doing my own research on mental health, and never realize I was dissociating so much? Because I didn’t realize what I was feeling was dissociation!
Chronic Illness: Wait, Your Body Doesn’t Do This, Too?
A revamped version of my article “The Blue Book” about my discovery of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and early struggles with integrating chronic illness into my identity.
“Needing Extra Care Doesn’t Make You a Burden” Got a Glow-up!
Back when we first started designing and releasing our own original designs for merch, in August 2020, our very first design was the simple drawing of an orchid with the words “Needing Extra Care Doesn’t Make You a Burden.” After doing a few more designs, we learned a lot more about how to do digital art, what our style was, and how to make art that prints well. After a while, our first piece seemed …Read More
Early Signs That I Had Dissociative Identity Disorder
When I was first diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder, I was pretty shocked. I didn’t exhibit a lot of the most obvious signs I had seen in media. To help reorient myself, I began carefully reviewing the chapters of my life and looking for the hidden signs of DID that I had previously missed. I ended up finding quite a few.
Young Hot & Full of Moderate to Severe Joint Pain: New Merch!
I made a new merch design based off the Cards Against Humanity chronic illness meme that’s gone around the internet for years.
Who Am I Today? How My DID System and I Figure Out Who Is Fronting
We wanted to share with you the strategies that we use on a daily basis to figure out who is fronting at any given moment. If you are plural, we hope these strategies might be useful to you, and if you’re not, we hope this article will further illustrate what the experience of plurality and/or dissociative disorders is like.
What Is Plurality/Multiplicity?
In this post, I go over the meaning of plurality, otherwise known as multiplicity, and how the concept applies to me personally.
Ableism Bingo: Things to Never Say to a Disabled Person
The unsolicited comments disabled people receive on a daily basis are so predictable, you can use them to play Ableism Bingo. This article covers those many of those comments and where they come from.