Ever since I joined the disabled community, I’ve been fascinated by the divide in perception of the concept of “disability” between people who are disabled, and people who are not. I wanted to distill this shift in perspective and make progress in redefining disability for a larger number of non-disabled people.
Tag: disability
Interview for Secular Sexuality: Sex and Disability
Remember my interview about sex and disability last month on the podcast Into Your Body? I did another interview on the same topic! CN: brief discussion of sexuality, sexism influenced medical neglect, reproductive disorders, and disability. Story time: Before that podcast was recorded, Vi La Bianca, a previous guest blogger for Yopp, invited me to come onto her youtube show Secular Sexuality to discuss sex and disability. To be honest, I felt nervous about interviewing …Read More
Podcast Interview on Sex and Disability
A few weeks ago I got together with my friend DJ and we had a conversation about sex & disability for his podcast Into Your Body. Dj’s podcast explores some progressive takes on sexuality and your relationship with your body, particularly exploring how these topics intersect with particular marginalizations.
Interview on The Poet by Day: Activism and Chronic Illness
Enjoy this interview I did with Jamie Dedes on the topics of activism and chronic illness.
Why Chronic Illness Makes It So Hard to Leave Home
My chronically ill friends and I joke about the medicine cabinet worth of supplies we take with us on any trip that’s longer than an hour because we never know what we’re going to need. But why is such intensive preparation required for a simple outing? Why does chronic illness make it so hard to leave home, even for a few hours?
What Is Afforded to You
This post provides a break-down of the amazing article “Sick Woman Theory” by Johanna Hedva, which demonstrates how many aspects of social justice and the structure of society and even just human existence are interconnected: Disability, chronic illness, police brutality, racism, sexism, the medical system, the mental health industry, intergenerational trauma, socio-political theory, the medical and social models of disability, spoon theory, capitalism, and self-love.
Spoon Theory: What Silverware Has to Do with Chronic Illness
Have you ever dealt with a chronic illness and struggled to explain to your healthy friends why you just can’t go out with them anymore? Have you ever heard someone say, “I don’t have the spoons for that,” and wondered what they were talking about? They’re talking about Spoon Theory! In this article, I’ll provide a basic overview of spoon theory, how it was created, how it’s used, and further expansions on spoon theory that I’ve found helpful.
Wealth with Virtue: All That You Wish to Win
Today’s guest post is part two of Violet Carson’s “Wealth with Virtue” series about the process of converting capitalism into business practices that fit their identity, life structure, and ethics.
I Can’t Fix Myself But I’m Supposed To
Sunflower Punk’s guest article covers her life-long struggle with chronic pain, living 6 years with an untreated broken ankle, doctors blaming her health problems on her weight, inaccessible housing, and juggling all of those while also raising a kid as a single mom. It’s worth a read as is her follow up post today.
A Day in the Life of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
While scrolling through twitter, I found a fellow EDS disability advocate had created a thread detailing what it was like to live a day in the life of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I was inspired to write my own account, to make visible all the tiny little adjustments I make all day long to live with this condition.