You Are Not Alone: How to Respond to Escalating Fascism

This post was originally published in October of 2020. Now, more than five years later, 45 has started his second term, his buddy Musk is helping him stage a coup, CDC data is being purged, and many many other horrifying things as a result of his executive orders that amount to the country falling apart at the seams. Escalating fascism is quickly getting out of control. This post offers resources on what you can do next.

It’s Time to Learn About Anti-Asian Hate

Soon after the Atlanta shootings in which mostly Asian women were targeted, activist and entertainer Eugene Lee Yang released a documentary entitled, “We Need To Talk About Anti-Asian Hate.” I recommend you go watch it.

The Unique Power of Digital Organizing

Because of the limitations of my chronic illness, I am so grateful that the genre of digital organizing enables remote forms of activism through mediums like text messages, social media, and email campaigns. Ingrid Cruz is here to break down this collection of strategies for us.

The Things Our Pets Can Teach Us About Self-Care

As a change of pace, I’m offering you this lovely, silly self-care article, with the hopes that it both gives you good reminders for healthy habits to practice during the pandemic, and also gives you a laugh. Rats got a pretty bad rap in previous pandemics, and apparently, they’d like to make it up to us.

Article on Medium: Why Does Everything Feel So Hard Right Now If I’m Fine

Soon after the beginning of the pandemic, I found that if I didn’t work hard to use my systems and tools meant to support my mental health, my functionality would quickly deteriorate. I frequently felt like I wasn’t okay and also that I had no business feeling that way.