While we were right that all the main elements were present in our illustration, there was still… (Read more on patreon)
Tag: abuse
Patreon Bonus Content: The Last Layers of the Front Cover Illustration
In today’s time-lapse video, you get to see how we finished the last few… (Read More on Patreon)
What Does Dissociation Feel Like?
How did I spend ten years of receiving treatment from eight different therapists, as well as doing my own research on mental health, and never realize I was dissociating so much? Because I didn’t realize what I was feeling was dissociation!
Patreon Bonus Content: The Bird Illustration on the Poetry Book
Drawing the bird was one of the harder parts of this process. We knew the bird should be…(Read More on Patreon)
Patreon Bonus Content: The First Four Layers on the Poetry Cover
In this next chunk of work on our poetry book cover design, we got into the really fun part of developing [Read More on Patreon]
Patreon Bonus Content: The Boulders on the Poetry Cover
Prior to our break-through in style for our cover design, we knew there was a cage but we didn’t have a clear idea of where the cage was, other than…[Read More on Patreon]
Patreon Bonus Content: The Cage on the Poetry Book Cover
Once we had our idea for the poetry book cover mapped out and had some new brushes to play with, we…(Read More on Patreon)
Patreon Bonus Content: A Breakthrough in Poetry Book Cover Design
In our early September post, we showed you a time lapse video of our current ideas for the illustration on the cover on our poetry book. Now… [Read More on Patreon]
Everything You Need to Know About Boundaries
Boundaries are magic. They are protective and allow us to navigate our life as empowered and autonomous individuals. Most of us come to learn our boundaries through trial and error, and may not get good support around forming or establishing boundaries in relationships. As we approach a season of gatherings, including those with family we don’t have good relationships with, taking intentional time to reflect on who we’re connected to and how we want those connections to look can be valuable.
Patreon Bonus Content: What the Darkest Poem in My Book is About
We’re continuing to share some poems that took on a totally different meaning after we were diagnosed with DID. Today we wanted to share another full poem with you, called…. (Read More on Patreon)