To make sure you all continue to have something to read during my writing hiatus, I’m happy to present to you a guest post I wrote for the social justice blog, ‘Splain You A Thing.
Tag: ableism
Yopp’s 6 Most Shared Articles
To celebrate the first birthday of Yopp, the social justice blog, I collated the 6 articles that received the most shares in Yopp’s first year on the internet.
What Ableism Feels Like
I became disabled late in life, at which point I had to completely restructure my mental understanding of what to expect of my body. I was also introduced to the world of ableism. Ableism had been happening all around me but it wasn’t until I was disabled that I had any idea what ableism feels like.
Everyone’s A Little Bit Racist, and Sexist, and…
If you were to make an off-color comment to me and defend yourself by saying that you don’t have a racist/sexist/classist bone in your body, or that you are “colorblind” your response would give me an important piece of information about you. Because as the song goes, everyone’s a little bit racist.
Explaining Privilege Part 3: The Scrutiny of Oppressed Groups
We often talk about privilege in terms of the positives, the benefits you receive: Resources, freedom, trust, and benefit of the doubt are extremely common ones. But what about the flip side? The opposite of privileged groups receiving the benefit of the doubt is the scrutiny of oppressed groups.
10 Things I Love About Being Disabled
Disability is often discussed in terms of tragedy and hardship. It’s not very often that you hear someone talk about the things they love about being disabled. But maybe we should.
The Blue Book: The First Time I Learned About Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
When my physical therapist gave me a book about ehlers danlos syndrome, I thought I would be reading about joint instability but this book wasn’t just about my pain problems. The book contained a list of every serious health problem I had ever had in my life, and potentially, a reason why they were connected.
Why Don’t I ever see you Dancing? What is EDS?
The answer to the question “Why don’t I ever see you dancing?” is the same as the answer to the question, “What is EDS?”
The Future of Book Reading: Stop Sharing this Graphic for Book Lovers
There are a lost of class and ability based problems with this graphic that Robert Brewer created to demonstrate his love of books and concern for the future of book reading.