Everyone’s A Little Bit Racist, and Sexist, and…

If you were to make an off-color comment to me and defend yourself by saying that you don’t have a racist/sexist/classist bone in your body, or that you are “colorblind” your response would give me an important piece of information about you. Because as the song goes, everyone’s a little bit racist.

Explaining Privilege Part 3: The Scrutiny of Oppressed Groups

We often talk about privilege in terms of the positives, the benefits you receive: Resources, freedom, trust, and benefit of the doubt are extremely common ones. But what about the flip side? The opposite of privileged groups receiving the benefit of the doubt is the scrutiny of oppressed groups. 

The Blue Book: The First Time I Learned About Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

When my physical therapist gave me a book about ehlers danlos syndrome, I thought I would be reading about joint instability but this book wasn’t just about my pain problems. The book contained a list of every serious health problem I had ever had in my life, and potentially, a reason why they were connected.