A deeply personal story of how I survived emotional and financial abuse in a nightmarish form.
Patreon Bonus Content: The Story Behind the Poems Part 1
Today I wanted to share with you some backstory and after-story about the poem from the upcoming book, which is called “How Could She Stay With Him?” including the full poem itself. (Read More on Patreon)
Patreon Bonus Content: Formatting the Book Part 2
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Buy Our Debut Book of Poetry: “Pet: the Journey from Abuse to Recovery”
“Pet” is a poem sequence that navigates the reader through the traumatic & transformative journey of domestic abuse and its aftermath.
Why Understanding Abuse & Trauma is Necessary for Social Justice Work
The focus of Yopp has always been to discuss all things related to social justice and civil rights. But another important topic that emerged fairly early on was issues related to abuse and trauma. Without much thought, we started writing a number of articles specifically about the experience of being abused, the aftermath, what recovery looks like, etc. We never really considered that the connection between abuse and trauma, and social justice may not be obvious to everyone. It occurred to us that it might be valuable to spell out these connections in article form.
Patreon Bonus Content: FINAL COVER REVEAL!
A long post about finishing the cover design and then the final cover reveal!!
Patreon Bonus Content: Formatting the Book Part 1
At the end of this post, you’ll see a preview of the inside of our poetry book as well as a free poem! (Read more on Patreon.)
Patreon Bonus Content: Pre-Orders for Pet Are Open for Patrons!
My lovely patrons are the first group being gifted access to pre-ordering paperback copies of our brand new self-published poetry book, “Pet: the Journey from Abuse to Recovery.”
I Think My Friend is Being Abused. What Now?
Being able to recognize that you are being abused, while the abuse is still happening, is mind-bogglingly difficult. I say mind-boggling because even though dozens of people trying to tell me that my relationship was abusive was completely ineffective for me, it’s still my first instinct when someone’s partner exhibits abusive behaviors to just try to tell them that. I know that this extremely straightforward tactic doesn’t work, but what other choice do I have? This article explores that question.
Patreon Bonus Content: Extra Content for the Next 7 Weeks!
We are in crunch time for publishing our poetry book now, and during that time, we’ll be giving YOU extra patreon content! Patrons will be getting at least two extra posts, as well as getting access to Pre-Orders and later the full cover design reveal a week before anyone else! (Read More on Patreon)