My first thought after I finished watching Lizzo’s People’s Champion Award speech was “I need to follow all these people on social media.” And my next thought was, “Other people should too.”
Patreon Bonus Content: Book Marketing Strategies That Worked- Part 1
Prior to releasing our book, “Pet: the Journey from Abuse to Recovery,” we had a decent amount of experience with social media marketing for our blog, patreon, and merch, but we’d never marketed a book before. We had no idea how…[Read More on Patreon.]
Patreon Bonus Content: The Nitty Gritty Technical Stuff of Self-Publishing
There are SO many steps in the self-publishing process that are entirely invisible to the reader that we had to learn about along the way. We wanted to….[Read more on Patreon]
Watch our Poetry Reading on Youtube
I have good news! If you weren’t able to make our poetry reading the weekend before last, you don’t have to miss out. There is a video of the reading available to watch on Youtube!
Choosing Violence: On Allyship and the Legacy of John Brown
Something that hasn’t been explored a lot on this blog is historical figures in the social justice world. There is a lot to be learned in the accomplishments of activists of the past, as well as in the present day reactions to these activists’ legacy. Denny Upkins is back with a look at the historical figure John Brown and the importance of facing oppression head-on, without compromise. CN: Detailed discussion of racial violence and discrimination, …Read More
Patreon Bonus Content: Working with Self-Publishing Platforms
A lot of people are completely unaware of the existence of self-publishing platforms, or anything about how they work. I’ll admit, we are not… [Read More on Patreon]
Poetry & Trauma: It Is Hard to Write with a Broken Heart
This week my debut poetry book, “Pet: the Journey from Abuse to Recovery” comes out. The poetry sequence takes you through my experiences in an abusive relationship, my attempts to heal, my retrospective reflections on the relationship, and the larger-scale insights that came with long-term healing. To introduce it, I wanted to share with you this piece about what it took to write that book in the first place.
You Can Now Get Art Prints of the Cover Art from “Pet”
The cover art for our poetry book, “Pet: the Journey from Abuse to Recovery” is now available for sale on its own!
Remote Poetry Reading: The Story of “Pet: the Journey from Abuse to Recovery”
We’re having a remote poetry reading on November 6th. 2022!
Patreon Bonus Content: The Story Behind the Poem “Blades”
Today I wanted to share another full poem with you from the book and give you the backstory on this poem. Many of the poems tell specific parts of the story or…[Read More on Patreon]