Partner violence is often centered in conversations about emotional abuse, when truthfully, leaving an abusive friendship can be just as hard
Patreon Bonus Content: What’s Next for Book Marketing?
Much like individually messaging friends and telling them about the book so they could buy it, we plan on doing a similar…[Read More on Patreon]
Patreon Bonus Content: Marketing Strategies- Did They Work?
We’ve looked at strategies that worked, we looked at ones that don’t, but the truth is there’s another…[Read More on Patreon]
It’s Time for New Patreon Rewards for Yopp!
Can I get your input on something? I’m working on setting up a batch of new patreon rewards for Yopp and I’d like to know what you think of them!
Read This Before Commenting: Yopp’s Comment Policy
For the first time in six years, Yopp’s comments are open! Please take a comment to read Yopp’s comment policy before jumping into the discussion.
Patreon Bonus Content: Book Marketing Strategies That Didn’t Work
While many of our strategies were effective in driving sales, there were other methods that….[Read More on Patreon]
A Guide to Social Etiquette When Interacting with My DID System
A frequent request we’ve encountered is to create a guide to interacting with DID systems. We’re offering a list of our own preferences around social interactions and a list of questions to help you get to know the specific preferences of the system(s) you know.
Patreon Bonus Content: Book Marketing Strategies That Worked- Part 2
To view this content, you must be a member of Kella’s Patreon at $1 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.
Resistance to Conformity: Balancing Authenticity with Community
I’d like you to please welcome a new writer on the Yopp platform, Eleni Stephanides! She’s here to talk about the complexities of conformity: the damage it can do, and the benefits it can yield when used well.
Video: Introducing Dissociative Identity Disorder on Youtube
If you’re looking for an intro to Dissociative Identity Disorder resource that’s in video format, we highly recommend watching this video we made!