We’re continuing to share some poems that took on a totally different meaning after we were diagnosed with DID. Today we wanted to share another full poem with you, called…. (Read More on Patreon)
Category: Patreon Exclusive
Content that can only be accessed by patrons of Yopp.
Patreon Bonus Content: Dissociation & Amnesia in Our Poetry
As part of our ongoing poetry book insights, we wanted to share with you some poems that took on a totally different meaning after we were diagnosed with DID in August of last year…. (Read More on Patreon)
Patreon Bonus Content: The Poem About My Alter AJ
As part of our ongoing poetry book insights, we wanted to share with you some poems that took on a totally different meaning after we were diagnosed with DID… (Read more on Patreon)
Patreon Bonus Content: Spotting Dissociative Identity Disorder in my Poetry
But the thing our poetry always did well was to take complex, intangible feelings and make them real and specific. Which means that there are signs of DID all over our poetry… (Read More on Patreon)
Patreon Bonus Content: Time-Lapse Video of Drafting Poetry Book’s Cover Art
About two months ago, we switched from using our screenless drawing tablet and the program Krita to a beautiful IPad and the program ProCreate to do our artwork. One of the cool features that ProCreate offers is to record a time-lapse video… (Read more on Patreon)
Patreon Bonus Content: A Poetry Book in Four Parts
Since pretty early on in its development, our poetry book has been separated into four parts. I wanted to share with you what…. (Read the rest on Patreon)
Patreon Bonus Content: Insights on New Sections of My Poetry Book Part 2
One element of our poetry book we’ve continued to work on is titling the poems. It’s easy to come up with a title for a poem in its
Patreon Bonus Content: Insights on New Sections in My Poetry Book
My upcoming poetry book, “Pet”, on abuse and trauma, has gone through many drafts and iterations over the years. During the most recent round of revisions, knowing that we planned on publishing the book independently, we made some additions that…
Patreon Bonus Content: Sketching the Birdcage for My Poetry Book
Before beginning to draw, I rounded up reference images of birdcages I found…
Patreon Bonus Content: Designing the Background Art of My Poetry Book
When I was looking at other people’s poetry book covers, I noticed I really liked the ones that had simple, abstract, and textured backgrounds. This is the kind of art that…