Why you will want to order a copy of “Pet” for yourself:
“Pet” is a poem sequence that navigates the reader through the traumatic & transformative journey of domestic abuse and its aftermath.
What People Are Saying About “Pet:”
“In sharing her journey, Kella offers all of us who have survived abuse the chance to identify complex feelings and process those feelings as we read… Whether you are a “poetry person” or not, this extremely human and accessibly written work will speak to you.”
–Phoebe Gildea
“With Pet, Kella has crafted a book that takes the reader inside the profoundly confusing, chaotic, painful, and curious world of intimate partner violence. As a fellow survivor, their poems spoke directly to my soul, some causing my breath to catch at how familiar some of their experiences felt.”
–Katherine Grace, writer
“Hanna-Wayne’s poems on abuse and the aftermath, are an intensely honest, personal, exploration of violence: sexual, domestic, and self. How she threads the needle and comes out whole… Everything is for the other, it is never enough, until it is. You will re-read this book.“
–Laura Lehew, editor of Uttered Chaos and author of Dear John — and Let Windows Be Windows
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Remote Poetry Reading: The Story of “Pet: the Journey from Abuse to Recovery”
To celebrate the release of Kella Hanna-Waynes’s debut book of poetry, a piece of work that took more than 10 years to complete, we hosted a remote event that was much more than just a poetry reading!
Watch the Poetry Reading, from November 6th, 2022
Did you miss our remote poetry reading on zoom? No fear! You can watch the whole thing, at your own pace on youtube!
What you’ll gain from watching this reading:
- Hear live readings of poems from Kella’s new book “Pet: the Journey from Abuse to Recovery”
- Learn the stories behind the inspiration and creation of these poems
- Get personal insights on the way the meaning of these poems have changed with time
- Readings of other poems not included in the book and their backstories
- Music that inspired poetry and poetry that inspired music
- An opportunity for Q&A with Kella about her work

About the Author
Kella has been teaching others about mental health, disability, chronic illness, trauma, and Dissociative Identity Disorder through writing since 2016. She is the editor, publisher, and main writer for Yopp, a resource-hub dedicated to consolidating the do’s and don’ts of social justice. Her work has also been published in the Ms. Magazine blog, The BeZine, and Uttered Chaos. In her spare time, she loves creating digital art, engaging in lively conversations with her cat Rosa, and working to build a life together with the other alters in her system, who are the reason she is still here today
About the Publisher
Yopp is a resource hub that is dedicated to consolidating the do’s and don’ts of social justice into clear, overarching principles. It is entirely led and created by marginalized voices.
At Yopp we’re dedicated to providing educational material for social justice that emphasizes the individual experience of lived oppression and helps you understand the whole picture instead of memorizing a list of rules.
We know that ending oppression cannot be accomplished by any one person alone. And so, it is our hope is that by creating these resources, we are effectively training hundreds or maybe even thousands of people how to be social activists themselves, thereby amplifying the power available to us.
At Yopp we're dedicated to providing educational material for social justice that emphasizes the individual experience of lived oppression and helps you understand the whole picture instead of memorizing do's & don'ts.