We’ve been vocal about how grateful we are to be out as a DID system so it should come as no surprise that our life after our DID diagnosis was significantly improved.
Author: Kella Hanna-Wayne
Say Goodbye to the Version of Me You Knew: A Letter to Friends & Family of Chronically Ill People
For years I’ve heard stories from my chronically ill friends of loved ones who abandoned them or who refused to believe that their illness was real. So, I wanted to write a letter to the friends & family of chronically ill people.
Patreon Bonus Content: What Are We Working on?
We wanted to offer you some sneak peeks at projects we’re currently working on. A big current undertaking of ours is we’re making a new…[Read More on Patreon]
Is Dissociative Identity Disorder Divergent or Disordered?
I believe having DID falls under the neurodivergent umbrella, but at the same time it is a mental illness that can cause a great deal of distress. So, is Dissociative Identity Disorder divergent or disordered?
10 Harmful Beliefs About Dissociative Identity Disorder
One of the reasons we wanted to start writing about Dissociative Identity Disorder after we received our diagnosis is the massive amount of misinformation out there. Having this diagnosis is highly stigmatized and many doctors and even mental health professionals still perpetuate these harmful beliefs about dissociative identity disorder.
Alyssa Gonzalez: A Review of “Pet: the Journey from Abuse to Recovery”
My friend Alyssa Gonzalez was nice enough to write this beautiful and extensive review of “Pet: the Journey from Abuse to Recovery,” my recently released book of poetry.
Patreon Bonus Content: What’s Next for Book Marketing?
Much like individually messaging friends and telling them about the book so they could buy it, we plan on doing a similar…[Read More on Patreon]
Patreon Bonus Content: Marketing Strategies- Did They Work?
We’ve looked at strategies that worked, we looked at ones that don’t, but the truth is there’s another…[Read More on Patreon]
It’s Time for New Patreon Rewards for Yopp!
Can I get your input on something? I’m working on setting up a batch of new patreon rewards for Yopp and I’d like to know what you think of them!
Read This Before Commenting: Yopp’s Comment Policy
For the first time in six years, Yopp’s comments are open! Please take a comment to read Yopp’s comment policy before jumping into the discussion.