Many of you know by now that in the summer of 2020, I was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder. But have you ever wondered what it would look like to see photos of my alters?
CN: discussion of the experience of dissociative identity disorder and dissociation; brief mention of abuse and fraught life circumstances
One day, I was searching through some old papers and photos, when I found some of my school pictures from middle and high school. As I flipped through them, my eyes landed on my 8th-grade school picture. A face beaming from the inside out with a big smile that I recognized surprised me. “Hello, Faye!” I said out loud.
As with many things DID-related, I can’t fully explain how I knew just by looking at this photo that my alter Faye must have been the one fronting at the time the photo was taken. I can tell you that many of our frequent fronters are terrible at smiling on cue in a way that looks genuine, and Faye magically has this skill where so many of us do not. But truly, knowing which alter I’m looking at in a photo is an inner sense of knowing that only I can confirm based on what feels true.
But this photo introduced an interesting concept to me: How many system members could I recognize just by looking at a picture of them? Would other people be able to notice the differences in the way we held our faces?
A number of months later, I experienced another breakthrough on this front. When searching for an old file on my computer, I accidentally stumbled on a folder of photos I didn’t recognize. I realized it was the folder that photos taken by the PhotoBooth app were saved to by default. As I started opening the photos, it quickly became clear I had discovered something really special.
In it were selfies taken by alters that rarely fronted, showing themselves authentically in a way they never did when other people were around. Their faces were strikingly different from my own. Apparently, the Photobooth app had provided them a unique opportunity to document and express themselves, while feeling safe in the knowledge that the photo would be saved to a hidden folder somewhere, that I was unlikely to notice.
Inspired, I went through and identified everyone in the photos, and then did a deep dive into the photos that made it to social media to find representations of other alters that I could see clearly. This blog post is a compilation of some of those photos. (They are ordered by the date the photo was taken from earliest to most recent.)
Age of Alter: 18
Gender: Female
Year Photo was Taken: 2006
Amelia turns up in quite a lot of our photos. Created for the purpose of diffusing difficult situations by being silly and goofy, she was very comfortable posing for the camera over the years.
Age of Alter: 17
Gender: Female
Year Photo was Taken: 2007
Margaret is one of the handful of folks who identifies with the appearance of the body so it was also pretty easy to find photos of her! She is particularly likely to appear in photos with the boyfriend we had in late high school.
Age of Alter: Body age
Gender: Female
Year Photo was Taken: 2009
In 2009 our system faced a prolonged series of life difficulties and we became in need of a second host, which resulted in Hazel. Because she was a host, she was unaware that she was an alter and often referred to herself as “new Kella.” After our diagnosis, we asked her if she had her own name, and only then did she realize that she was separate. (Photo Credit: Yona Appletree)
Age of Alter: ?
Gender: Male
Year Photo was Taken: 2011
Now THIS is where the pictures get interesting. Oberon, who is a magical, non-human being, and the gatekeeper for our system, almost never fronts. He doesn’t identify with many of the belongings or activities available in the external world and his personality is strikingly different from most of our frequent fronters, so his presence is very noticeable. Though we don’t remember the exact circumstances behind this photo, we believe it was after a performance of The Tempest in which we played the magical creature, Ariel. We expect the leftover magic-based hair and makeup inspired Oberon to capture this photo of himself.


Gender: Female
Year Photo was Taken: 2012I LOVE this photo so much. For years, Wendy operated almost exclusively to benefit the well-being of other people. She was our mediator in all interpersonal conflicts but she rarely spent time tending to her own emotional needs. This photo was clearly something she did just for her. It’s so sweet seeing her indulge that way and to see her clearly wanting to document a moment in which she felt pretty.

Gender: Female
Year Photo was Taken: 2013

Year Photo was Taken: 2013

Age of Alter: 20
Gender: Male
Year Photo was Taken: 2014
This photo was another surprise and more of a glimpse into our personal life. Working with Luke has been a huge focus of our trauma work recently as Luke learns why the rules he followed for our abusive ex are no longer needed to stay safe. Because I couldn’t remember the circumstances of this photo, I looked around on Facebook memories to see if I could figure out what was going on. This was from around when I injured my arm, had to take two weeks off work and have friends come over to do chores for me. I remember feeling like we were a burden and worthless because of how little we were capable of doing and that in particular, that brought up memories of the abuse we experienced. That may be behind this photo. I’m just surprised he wanted to capture it.
Age of Alter: Body age
Gender: Female
Year Photo was Taken: 2017
You might notice that there’s a gap of three years between when the photo of Luke was taken and when this photo was taken. There were way fewer photos of us during the time our chronic pain was the worst. I think almost all of the photos from that time were either Kella or Amy (shown below) fronting because we were relying really heavily on dissociation to cope with the pain and stay productive. Holly was created in 2017 and because of her connections to our tango event, which we usually dressed up for, it’s not hard to find pictures of her looking pretty for the camera.
Age of Alter: Body age
Gender: Female
Year Photo was Taken: 2017
Because Amy was fronting frequently during this time when we were regularly doing makeup and taking selfies, there are plenty of photos of Amy, but this one particularly captures her style (her undying love of black clothing) and her mild, introverted energy. This picture was also taken at a time when our hair was short enough to be close to the length Amy envisions for herself.
Age of Alter: 14
Gender: Female
Year Photo was Taken: 2018
Molly was created during a difficult time in which she had to handle far more life responsibilities than was appropriate for her. I didn’t think we were going to be able to find a photo of Molly since Molly was always so incredibly focused on productivity and had no time for fun. I’m surprised she took this photo but grateful that she did. I know a number of times we’ve tossed around the idea of taking candid selfies every day regardless of our emotional state and I’m wondering if this might’ve been one of those times.
Age of Alter: 22
Gender: Masc Nonbinary
Year Photo was Taken: 2021
Last one! Early in our system exploration, we started really experimenting with clothes to try to honor the identities of system members who previously had never had their preferences centered. Because Casey’s style is so distinctly different from the rest of us, once we knew what his style was, we found it pretty easy to make that happen. We’ve always noticed that when we look at photos of ourselves, we often see how our authenticity is trying to get out but just never quite does. This is honestly one of the most comfortable, grounded photos I’ve seen of us.
Also, as a fun fact: I distinctly remember that on the day Casey took this photo, he was getting some stuff done around the house and Noah noticed that our body was moving pretty differently from usual and we were dressed differently too. He asked, “Who are you, today?” as he often did in the early days after our diagnosis. Casey stuck his hand out confidently to shake and said “I’m Casey,” in a deep voice. Noah accepted the handshake, laughed, and said, “I thought so.”
We originally shared these photos, and a few more, on our Facebook, to our friends only. It was a nerve-wracking prospect to post a bunch of photos of the same body and say “Hey, there’s a different identity in each of these photos.” Would anyone else be able to tell, or was this just internal knowledge for our own benefit?
We were deeply validated when we received a bunch of comments from friends saying that they could definitely see the many different personalities shining through loud and clear in the photos we had posted. And to be honest, it brought us joy to look at this collection of photos as a means to see our internal family all in one place.
Plural Pride Merch
Reminder that we have Plural Pride merch in our Etsy store! We wanted to honor how important our relationships with our other system members are and frame their existence as a strength, not a weakness. The phrase “Together We Survived” was inspired by plural pride merch that The Entropy System used to sell, but no longer does. Be sure to send some support their way and check out their youtube channel.
Additional Resources on DID, OSDD, & Plurality
If you’d like to learn more about the world of DID and plurality, we have a bunch of other articles talking about our experiences, as well as some recommended external resources to share with you.
Articles We’ve Written
- What Is Plurality/Multiplicity?
- Early Signs That I Had Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Who Am I Today? How My DID System and I Figure Out Who Is Fronting
- 10 Harmful Beliefs About Dissociative Identity Disorder
- Video: Intro to DID with Kella Hanna-Wayne
External Resources
- A video on “31 Myths and Misconceptions About DID/OSDD”
- A video on the concept of fronting and its complexities
- A video on the differences between DID and OSDD-1
- Absolutely every video made by the Ring System
- A video on “My Identities Impersonating Me: Why DID is a hidden disorder.”
- A video on “How I Found Out I Had DID” by the Entropy System