Young Hot & Full of Moderate to Severe Joint Pain: New Merch!

In a rounded, cartoonish font, in three sections, black text says "This is the prime of my life. I'm young, hot & full of moderate to severe joint pain." Next to the second section of text is a detailed cartoon depiction of a sunflower with bright yellow petals and green leaves. The background is a pale turquoise blue

Edit: This designed has been moved to our Etsy shop and is no longer available on Redbubble. The products this design is available on have changed but if you had your heart set on a specific product and you can’t find it in our new store, contact us! 

Original Post: These products are no longer available

Some of you may be familiar with the game Cards Against Humanity. While it has its problems, this amazing card combo made the rounds in the chronic illness communities on social media. Every time I saw it, I felt like it described my life so perfectly, like it was way more than just a meme. 

So it went on my list of ideas to turn into merch and now that idea is a reality! You can now buy the design above on stickers, mugs, T-shirts, and just about anything else Redbubble offers. 

Check out the full range of products for this design or check out our other chronic illness and mental health themed merch designs. 

The design described above demoed on a flowy shirt on a woman of color with natural hair.
In a rounded, cartoonish font, in three sections, black text says "This is the prime of my life. I'm young, hot & full of moderate to severe joint pain." Next to the second section of text is a detailed cartoon depiction of a sunflower with bright yellow petals and green leaves. The background is a pale turquoise blue. This demoed on a smooth rectangle of wood that's mounted to a blank wall.
The design described above with a white border demoed as a magnet on a beige vintage fridge with other colorful magnets nearby.
The design described above but with a black background and pale turquoise text. It is demoed on standard black T-shirts worn by a man and a woman of color who are smilng.

All of our designs are original and besides our logo, they were all created by me! When you buy from our Redbubble store, 15-30% of the cost goes directly to Yopp, so this is an easy and fun way you can support our work. Thank you! 

About the writer: Kella Hanna-Wayne is the creator, editor, and main writer for Yopp. She specializes in educational writing about civil rights, disability, chronic illness, abuse, and Dissociative Identity Disorder. Her work has been published in Ms. Magazine blog, The BeZine, and Splain You a Thing and in 2022, she released a self-published book of poetry, “Pet: the Journey from Abuse to Recovery“. You can find her @KellaHannaWayne on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Medium, and Twitter.

At Yopp we're dedicated to providing educational material for social justice that emphasizes the individual experience of lived oppression and helps you understand the whole picture instead of memorizing do's & don'ts.

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